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ChemRxiv: Preprint-Publikationen

Yihan Shao · Jesse Di Censo et al.

Towards an Understanding of Linear Scaling Relations Through Energy Decomposition Analysis

Mario Pagliaro · Rosaria Ciriminna et al.

Citrus IntegroPectin: a multifunctional bioactive phytocomplex with large therapeutic potential

Jules Schleinitz · Alba Carretero-Cerdán et al.

Tailoring Datasets for Regioselectivity Predictions on Complex Substrates

Danielle Laurencin · Austin Peach et al.

Capturing and labeling CO2 in a jar: Mechanochemical 17O-Enrichment and ssNMR study of Sodium and Potassium (bi)carbonate Salts

Yihan Shao · Jesse Di Censo et al.

Towards an Understanding of Linear Scaling Relations Through Energy Decomposition Analysis

Mario Pagliaro · Rosaria Ciriminna et al.

Citrus IntegroPectin: a multifunctional bioactive phytocomplex with large therapeutic potential

Jules Schleinitz · Alba Carretero-Cerdán et al.

Tailoring Datasets for Regioselectivity Predictions on Complex Substrates

Danielle Laurencin · Austin Peach et al.

Capturing and labeling CO2 in a jar: Mechanochemical 17O-Enrichment and ssNMR study of Sodium and Potassium (bi)carbonate Salts

Alison Narayan · Gabe Gomes et al.

Generation of connections between protein sequence space and chemical space to enable a predictive model for biocatalysis

Andrea Montero-Oleas · María Luz Martinez Ricci et al.

One-Pot Synthesis of Core-Shell Au@mSiO2 Nanoparticles for Photothermal Applications

Sophie Marie Gutenthaler-Tietze · Lena Josefine Daumann et al.

Reversing Lanmodulin’s Metal-binding Sequence in Short Peptides Surprisingly Increases the Lanthanide Affinity: Oops I Reversed it again!

Dimitris Gkoumas · Maria Liakata

Less for More: Enhanced Feedback-aligned Mixed LLMs for Molecule Caption Generation and Fine-Grained NLI Evaluation

Gonzalo Colmenarejo · Mario Astigarraga et al.

How Do Microbial Metabolites Interact with Their Protein Targets?

Susana Y. Kimura · Thilina Jayawardana et al.

Toxicity of Haloacetonitrile Mixtures in a Normal Tissue-Derived Human Cell Line: Are they additive, synergistic, or antagonistic?