Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Single‐Particle and Single‐Molecule Characterization of Immobilized Enzymes: A Multiscale Path toward Optimizing Heterogeneous Biocatalysts

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Recent advances in the operando characterization of immobilized enzymes at the single-particle (SP) and single-molecule (SM) levels reveal valuable information about their functional properties, thus unlocking the full potential of heterogeneous biocatalysis for biotechnological applications.


Heterogeneous biocatalysis is highly relevant in biotechnology as it offers several benefits and practical uses. To leverage the full potential of heterogeneous biocatalysts, the establishment of well-crafted protocols, and a deeper comprehension of enzyme immobilization on solid substrates are essential. These endeavors seek to optimize immobilized biocatalysts, ensuring maximal enzyme performance within confined spaces. For this aim, multidimensional characterization of heterogeneous biocatalysts is required. In this context, spectroscopic and microscopic methodologies conducted at different space and temporal scales can inform about the intraparticle enzyme kinetics, the enzyme spatial distribution, and the mass transport issues. In this Minireview, we identify enzyme immobilization, enzyme catalysis, and enzyme inactivation as the three main processes for which advanced characterization tools unveil fundamental information. Recent advances in operando characterization of immobilized enzymes at the single-particle (SP) and single-molecule (SM) levels inform about their functional properties, unlocking the full potential of heterogeneous biocatalysis toward biotechnological applications.

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