Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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One‐Dimensional Covalent Organic Framework‐Based Multilevel Memristors for Neuromorphic Computing

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The unique structural and electronic properties of two one-dimensional (1D) covalent organic frameworks (COFs), namely COF-MDA and COF-ODA, were rationally designed to assess their capabilities in multilevel memory devices. This study further explored the potential of these COF-based memristors in realizing energy-efficient and high-density memory devices, and also showcased their potential for neuromorphic applications for the first time.


Memristors are essential components of neuromorphic systems that mimic the synaptic plasticity observed in biological neurons. In this study, a novel approach employing one-dimensional covalent organic framework (1D COF) films was explored to enhance the performance of memristors. The unique structural and electronic properties of two 1D COF films (COF-4,4′-methylenedianiline (MDA) and COF-4,4′-oxydianiline (ODA)) offer advantages for multilevel resistive switching, which is a key feature in neuromorphic computing applications. By further introducing a TiO2 layer on the COF-ODA film, a built-in electric field between the COF-TiO2 interfaces could be generated, demonstrating the feasibility of utilizing COFs as a platform for constructing memristors with tunable resistive states. The 1D nanochannels of these COF structures contributed to the efficient modulation of electrical conductance, enabling precise control over synaptic weights in neuromorphic circuits. This study also investigated the potential of these COF-based memristors to achieve energy-efficient and high-density memory devices.

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