Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Modulation Strategies and Activity Descriptors of Spinel Electrocatalysts for Lithium−Oxygen Batteries

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Widely distributed, low-cost and highly catalytic activity spinel materials are ideal cathode catalysts for LOBs. This paper reviews various modification strategies for spinel materials and highlights the important role of catalytic descriptors in the design of highly active spinel-type catalysts, which provide a solid foundation for the emergence of high-performance LOBs.


The exploitation of high energy density lithium−oxygen batteries (LOBs) holds significant importance for energy storage and applications. An efficient cathode catalyst can effectively prevent the accumulation of the insulating insoluble discharge product Li2O2, thereby enhancing the electrochemical performance. Spinel materials, widely available and cost-effective, exhibit superior catalytic activity, making them ideal candidates for LOBs cathode catalysts. This review aims to offer a comprehensive and insightful overview of the recent progress in the design of spinel-type electrocatalysts for LOBs. This review exhaustively summarizes various modification strategies applied to spinel materials and emphasizes the influential role of catalytic descriptors in designing highly active spinel-type catalysts. This review provides guidance for the design and utilization of high-performance spinel-type catalysts, thereby contributing to the dynamic development of LOBs.

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