Employment survey 2013 successfully completed
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
Close to 4500 chemists and chemical engineers responded to the first issue of the European employment survey. The participating EuCheMS member societies covered more than 90 percent of the EuCheMS membership. The questionnaire was offered in 24 European languages. Four of them have not been used: interestingly, a number of colleagues preferred to respond in English instead of their native language. 86 percent of all responders work in their native country. 60 percent of all responders were female.
All stored responses cover a data matrix of the size of ca. 4500 × 230. Even though not all responders completed all questions, the detailed evaluation of the submitted information is a great challenge and will require some time. However, several sections of the questionnaire could be analyzed in depth in initial work. Here we publish the first preliminary results of the European employment survey.
The median age of the responders is around 30 years. The youngest responders are aged 20. The most experienced responder is a lady from Slovenia aged 87 years. Pensioners submitted two percent of all responses, students five percent. Only three percent of all responders were n
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