Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker

Ansichten eines Preisträgers

John C. Warner

Nachrichten aus der Chemie, September 2022, Seite 113, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

John C. Warner

Vor über zwanzig Jahren formulierten Anastas und Warner in ihrem Werk „Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice“ zwölf Prinzipien der grünen Chemie. Sie begründeten damit dieses Fachgebiet und legten den Grundstein für eine nachhaltige chemische Produktentwicklung.

My biggest privilege as scientist is …

having the ability to explore crazy ideas that are important to me that I believe will be important to others.

The biggest surprise of my career as a researcher was …

realizing how sometimes the most obvious solution to a problem has often not been explored.

I studied chemistry because …

I really liked Physics and Biology. Out of indecision between the two, I decided (Physics + Biology) / 2 = Chemistry. So, I studied Chemistry.

Which is the secret of your biggest success as a researcher?

I often am not smart enough to know why I shouldn’t try something…

A talent I’d like to have is …

speaking many languages.

This is the ideal morning for me:

Starts with a new crazy idea, followed by some work in the lab that shows that


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