Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Al−Air Batteries for Seasonal/Annual Energy Storage: Progress beyond Materials

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The combination of Al production via inert-anode smelting (power to metal) and Al conversion to electricity via Al−air batteries (metal to power) is a promising approach for seasonal/annual energy storage systems. The recent progress of Al−air batteries beyond materials, including the removal of discharge-products, and impacts from operational parameters together with cell designs on electrochemical performance are summarized and discussed.


Cost-effective and zero-carbon-emission seasonal/annual energy storage is highly required to achieve the Zero Emission Scenario (ZES) by 2050. The combination of Al production via inert-anode smelting and Al conversion to electricity via Al−air batteries is a potential option. Although playing an important role in this approach, Al−air batteries, however, suffer from limited specific energy and inefficient collection of the discharge product. Herein, an important progress in addressing these issues is summarized, emphasizing the importance of non-material, but rather process-related aspects. First, a recently reported approach allowing controllable collection of discharge product and electrolyte regeneration is presented. Next, the importance of cell design in addressing the obstacles of Al−air batteries is emphasized. Subsequently, the impact of operational parameters on improving electrochemical performance of Al−air batteries is summarized. Last, a perspective on future research directions is proposed.

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