The reaction of a highly reactive cluster anion Ta2N3 − toward methane was characterized using cryogenic photoelectron velocity-map imaging spectroscopy. Well resolved vibrational modes (finger prints) for Ta...
Uncovering Energetic Positions of Surface Trap States in α‐Fe2O3 Treated with Cobalt Phosphate (Co−Pi) Using Charge Carrier‐Selective Heterodyne Transient Grating Technique
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
The energetic positions of the surface states in α-Fe2O3 treated with Co−Pi, in which the photo-generated holes were trapped, were determined by the charge carrier-selective heterodyne transient grating (CS-HD-TG) technique.
Near-field heterodyne transient grating (NF-HD-TG) responses of hematite (α-Fe2O3) treated with cobalt phosphate (Co−Pi) were measured with the burn lasers inducing the depletion of the response by the removal of the trapped charge carriers in the target state, which is called charge carrier-selective heterodyne transient grating (CS-HD-TG) spectroscopic technique. We found that two distinct trap states co-existed in Co−Pi loaded on the surface of α-Fe2O3. One of them named r-SS2, of which potential was similar to that of r-SS1 in the surface of α-Fe2O3, acted as a recombination centre but could increase the lifetime of the trapped holes by the charge separation. We also revealed that the energetic position of the other (i-SS2), which has been regarded as the intermediate state for oxygen evolution reaction with low overpotential, was higher than that of i-SS1 in α-Fe2O3 but lower than those of r-SS1 and r-SS2.
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