Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Triply Selective & Sequential Diversification at Csp3: Expansion of Alkyl Germane Reactivity for C−C & C−Heteroatom Bond Formation

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

We report the triply selective and sequential diversification of a single Csp 3 carbon carrying Cl, Bpin and GeEt3 for the straightforward construction of sp3-rich molecules. The repertoire of alkyl germane functionalizations was also significantly expanded herein.


We report the triply selective and sequential diversification of a single Csp 3 carbon carrying Cl, Bpin and GeEt3 for the modular and programmable construction of sp3-rich molecules. Various functionalizations of Csp 3−Cl and Csp 3−BPin (e.g. alkylation, arylation, homologation, amination, hydroxylation) were tolerated by the Csp 3−GeEt3 group. Moreover, the methodological repertoire of alkyl germane functionalization was significantly expanded beyond the hitherto known Giese addition and arylation to alkynylation, alkenylation, cyanation, halogenation, azidation, C−S bond formation as well as the first demonstration of stereo-selective functionalization of a Csp 3-[Ge] bond.

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