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The CF3 Group as a Synthon of the CF+ Unit in Palladium Chemistry

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The homoleptic trifluoromethyl-palladium(II) complex [Pd(CF3)4]2− (1) is shown to be highly active towards amines. Thus, when treated with primary amines RNH2, it readily undergoes aminolysis of one of the CF3 ligands affording the isocyanide complexes [(CF3)3Pd(CNR)]− (R = aryl). In this process the original CF3 group undergoes total defluorination. Interestingly, the reaction of 1 with secondary amines R2NH proceeds with loss of just two F-substituents, whereby the Fischer-type fluoroaminocarbene complexes [(CF3)3Pd(CFNR2)]− are formed (R = Et, Ph). The reaction of 1 with diamines affords different [(CF3)3Pd(NHC)]− complexes containing sterically non-demanding NHC ligands. Representative examples of various topologies are reported based on the common imidazolidin-2-ylidene or benzimidazolin-2-ylidene rings as well as the expanded-ring perimidin-2-ylidene. This metal-tailored synthetic route, where a CF3 group acts as a pre-carbenic unit, is unprecedented in the vast NHC-chemistry. It takes place under very mild conditions and is envisaged to be extensible to other non-isolable NHC ligands. The key difluorocarbene intermediate [(CF3)3Pd(CF2)]− is experimentally detected.

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