Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Supramolecular Modular Assembly of Imaging‐Trackable Enzymatic Nanomotors

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

A supramolecular assembly platform based on Janus hollow mesoporous silica nanoparticle was synthesized by surface chemistry and physical deposition technology. Through host–guest interaction, different engine and imaging modules modified by corresponding guest or host molecules can be quickly assembled to build various imaging-trackable enzymatic nanomotors on-demand, which can readily meet the needs of different application scenarios.


Self-propelled micro/nanomotors (MNMs) have shown great application potential in biomedicine, sensing, environmental remediation, etc. In the past decade, various strategies or technologies have been used to prepare and functionalize MNMs. However, the current preparation strategies of the MNMs were mainly following the pre-designed methods based on specific tasks to introduce expected functional parts on the various micro/nanocarriers, which lacks a universal platform and common features, making it difficult to apply to different application scenarios. Here, we have developed a modular assembly strategy based on host–guest chemistry, which enables the on-demand construction of imaging-trackable nanomotors mounted with suitable driving and imaging modules using a universal assembly platform, according to different application scenarios. These assembled nanomotors exhibited enhanced diffusion behavior driven by enzymatic reactions. The loaded imaging functions were used to dynamically trace the swarm motion behavior of assembled nanomotors with corresponding fuel conditions both in vitro and in vivo. The modular assembly strategy endowed with host–guest interaction provides a universal approach to producing multifunctional MNMs in a facile and controllable manner, which paves the way for the future development of MNMs systems with programmable functions.

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