Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Small molecule‐inducible and photoactivatable cellular RNA N1‐methyladenosine editing

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

N1-methyladenosine (m1A) modification is one of the most prevalent epigenetic modifications on RNA. Given the vital role of m1A modification in RNA processing such as splicing, stability and translation, developing a precise and controllable m1A editing tool is pivotal for in-depth investigating the biological functions of m1A. In this study, we developed an abscisic acid (ABA)-inducible and reversible m1A demethylation tool (termed AI-dm1A), which targets specific transcripts by combining the chemical proximity-induction techniques with the CRISPR/dCas13b system and ALKBH3. We successfully employed AI-dm1A to selectively demethylate the m1A modifications at MALAT1 A8422, and this demethylation process could be reversed by removing ABA. Furthermore, we validated its demethylating function on various types of cellular RNAs including mRNA, rRNA and lncRNA. Additionally, we used AI-dm1A to specifically demethylate m1A on ATP5D mRNA, which promoted ATP5D expression and enhanced the glycolysis activity of tumor cells. Conversely, by replacing the demethylase ALKBH3 with methyltransferase TRMT61A, we also developed a controllable m1A methylation tool, namely AI-m1A. Finally, we caged ABA by 4,5-dimethoxy-2-nitrobenzyl (DMNB) to achieve light-inducible m1A methylation or demethylation on specific transcripts. Collectively, our m1A editing tool enables us to flexibly study how m1A modifications on specific transcript influence biological functions and phenotypes.

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