Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Photo‐Switchable Peroxidase/Catalase‐Like Activity of Carbon Quantum Dots

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Oxygen-nitrogen functionalized carbon quantum dots (O/N-CQDs) are synthesized using polyaniline as a precursor. O/N-CQDs possess photo-switchable peroxidase/catalase-like activity that can be precisely manipulated by the light intensity dynamically. Using such an artificial “light switch”, it is feasible to autonomously manipulate the ROS level that is adaptive to the development of diseases, providing an intelligent therapeutic strategy for precise medicine.


Nanozymes possess multi-enzyme activities over the natural enzymes, which produce multi-pathway synergistic effects for varies of biomedical applications. Unfortunately, their multi-enzyme activities are in fighting, significantly reducing the synergistic effects. Dynamic regulation of their multi-enzyme activities is the bottleneck for intelligent therapies. Herein, we construct a novel oxygen-nitrogen functionalized carbon quantum dots (O/N-CQDs) with peroxidase-like (Reactive oxygen species (ROS) producer) activity. Interestingly, the peroxidase-like activity can be reversibly converted to catalase-like (ROS scavenger) activity under visible light irradiation. It is found that both the peroxidase/catalase-like activity of O/N-CQDs can be precisely manipulated by the light intensity. The mechanism of switchable enzyme activities is attributed to the polarization of quinoid nitrogen in polyaniline (PANI) precursor retained on O/N-CQDs under visible light, which consumes the ROS to produce O2 and H2O. As a proof-of-concept demonstration, we are able to non-intrusively up and down regulate the ROS level in cells successfully by simply switching off and on the light respectively, potentially facilitating the precise medicine based on the development of the disease. Indeed, the photo-switchable peroxidase/catalase-like activity of O/N-CQDs opens a non-invasive strategy for better manipulations of the multi-activity of nanozymes, promising their wider and more intelligent biomedical applications.

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