Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Gas‐Induced Electrical and Magnetic Modulation of Two‐Dimensional Conductive Metal−Organic Framework

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Controlled modulation of electronic and magnetic properties in stimuli-responsive materials provides valuable insights for the design of magnetoelectric or multiferroic devices. This paper demonstrates the modulation of electrical and magnetic properties of a semiconductive, paramagnetic metal−organic framework Cu3(C6O6)2 with small gaseous molecules, NH3, H2S, and NO. This study merges chemiresistive and magnetic tests to reveal that the MOF undergoes simultaneous changes in electrical conductance and magnetization that are uniquely modulated by each gas. The features of response, including direction, magnitude, and kinetics, are modulated by the physicochemical properties of the gaseous molecules. This study advances the design of multifunctional materials capable of undergoing simultaneous changes in electrical and magnetic properties in response to chemical stimuli.

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