Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Enantiopure Corral[4]BINOLs as Ultrastrong Receptors for Recognition and Differential Sensing of Steroids

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The precise recognition and sensing of steroids, a type of vital biomolecules, hold immense practical value across various domains. In this study, we introduced corral[4]BINOLs (C[4]BINOLs), a pair of enantiomeric conjugated deep-cavity hosts, as novel synthetic receptors for binding steroids. Due to the strong hydrophobic effect of their deep nonpolar, chiral cavities, the two enantiomers of C[4]BINOLs demonstrated exceptionally high recognition affinities (up to 1012 M−1) for 16 important steroidal compounds as well as good enantioselectiviy (up to 15.5) in aqueous solutions, establishing them as the most potent known steroid receptors. Harnessing their ultrahigh affinity, remarkable enantioselectivity, and fluorescence emission properties, the two C[4]BINOL enantiomers were employed to compose a fluorescent sensor array which achieved discrimination and sensing of 16 structurally similar steroids at low concentrations.

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