Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Directing the Encapsulation of Single Cells with DNA Framework Nucleator‐Based Hydrogel Growth

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

We developed a bio-inspired strategy for single-cell encapsulation by using a DNA framework structure as a nucleator (DFN) to guide the growth of DNA hydrogels under cell-friendly conditions. The tetrahedral DFN could stably anchor on the cell membrane, resulting in a uniform and flexible cell encapsulation that persisted for 72 h. This encapsulation could maintain cell viability and protect cells against mechanical stress-induced autophagy.


Encapsulating individual mammalian cells with biomimetic materials holds potential in ex vivo cell culture and engineering. However, current methodologies often present tradeoffs between homogeneity, stability, and cell compatibility. Here, inspired by bacteria that use proteins stably anchored on their outer membranes to nucleate biofilm growth, we develop a single-cell encapsulation strategy by using a DNA framework structure as a nucleator (DFN) to initiate the growth of DNA hydrogels under cell-friendly conditions. We find that among the tested structures, the tetrahedral DFN can evenly and stably reside on cell membranes, effectively initiating hybridization chain reactions which generate homogeneously dense yet flexible single-cell encapsulation for diverse cell lines. The encapsulation persists for up to 72 hours in a serum-containing cell culture environment, representing a ~70-fold improvement compared to encapsulations mediated by single-stranded DNA nucleators. The metabolism and proliferation of the encapsulated cells are suppressed, but can be restored to the original efficiencies upon release, suggesting the superior cell compatibility of the encapsulation. We also find that compared to naked cells, the encapsulated cells exhibit a lower autophagy level after undergoing mechanical stress, suggesting the protective effect of the DNA encapsulation. This method may provide a new tool for ex vivo cell engineering.

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