Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Cooperative Photoredox and Cobalt‐catalyzed Acceptorless Dehydrogenative Functionalization of Cyclopropylamides towards Allylic N,O‐Acyl‐acetal Derivatives

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

We disclose herein a novel photoredox and cobalt co-catalyzed ring-opening/acceptorless dehydrogenative functionalization of mono-donor cyclopropanes, which providing a sustainable and atom-economic approach to rapidly assemble a wide range of allylic N,O-acyl-acetal derivatives. The optimized conditions accommodate assorted cycloalkylamides and primary, secondary and tertiary alcohols, with applications in late-stage functionalization of pharmaceutically relevant compounds, stimulating the further utility in medicinal chemistry. Moreover, selective nucleophilic substitutions with various carbon nucleophiles were succeed in a one-pot fashion, offering a reliable avenue to access some cyclic and acyclic derivatives.

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