Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Circularly Polarized Luminescence Induced by Hydrogen‐Bonding Networks in a One‐Dimensional Hybrid Manganese(II) Chloride

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Chiral hybrid metal halides hold great potential as the circularly polarized luminescence light sources. Herein, we have obtained two enantiomeric pairs of one-dimensional hybrid chiral-manganese(II) chloride single crystals, R/S-(3-methyl piperidine)MnCl3 (R/S-1) and R/S-(3-hydroxy piperidine)MnCl3 (R/S-2), crystallizing in non-centrosymmetric space group P212121. In comparison to R/S-1, R/S-2 single crystals not only show red emission with near-unity photoluminescence quantum yield and high resistance to thermal quenching but also exhibit circularly polarized luminescence with an asymmetry factor (glum) of 2.5×10−3, which are attributed to the enhanced crystal rigidity resulting from the hydrogen bonding networks between R/S-(3-hydroxy piperidine) cations and [MnCl6]4- chains. The circularly polarized luminescence activities originate from the asymmetric [MnCl6]4- luminophores induced by the N-H···Cl hydrogen bonding with R/S-(3-hydroxy piperidine). Moreover, these samples demonstrate great application potential in circularly polarized light-emitting diodes and X-ray scintillators. This work shows a highly efficient photoluminescent Mn-based halide and offers a strategy for designing multifunctional chiral metal halides.

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