Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Cancer Cell‐Selective PD‐L1 Inhibition via a DNA Safety Catch to Enhance Immunotherapy Specificity

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The “safety catch”, a duplex DNA strand, was assembled on PD−L1 to control its accessibility by immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) reagent. ICB reagent was a retractable DNA nanostring (DNS), whose contraction drove PD−L1 clustering and corresponding degradation. 4T1 cell membrane protein c-Met controlled ICB reagent binding and achieved cancer cell selective PD−L1 inhibition. This strategy enhanced immunotherapeutic specificity.


Immune checkpoint protein blockade (ICB) has emerged as a powerful immunotherapy approach, but suppressing immune-related adverse events (irAEs) for noncancerous cells and normal tissues remains challenging. Activatable ICB has been developed with tumor microenvironment highly-expressed molecules as stimuli, but they still lack precision and efficiency considering the diffusion of stimuli molecules in whole tumor tissue. Here we assemble PD−L1 with a duplex DNA strand, termed as “safety catch”, to regulate its accessibility for ICB. The safety catch remains at “on” status for noncancerous cells to prevent ICB binding to PD−L1. Cancer cell membrane protein c-Met acts as a trigger protein to react with safety catch, which selectively exposes its hybridization region for ICB reagent. The ICB reagent is a retractable DNA nanostring with repeating hairpin-structural units, whose contraction drives PD−L1 clustering with endocytosis-guided degradation. The safety catch, even remained at “safety on” status, is removed from the cell membrane via a DNA strand displacement reaction to minimize its influence on noncancerous cells. This strategy demonstrates selective and potent immunotherapeutic capabilities only against cancer cells both in vitro and in vivo, and shows effective suppression of irAEs in normal tissues, therefore would become a promising approach for precise immunotherapy in mice.

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