Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Bypassing Ammonia: From N2 to Nitrogen Heterocycles without N1 Intermediates or Transition Metals

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Two new heterocyclic species are prepared from diboradiazene compounds, thus completing two-step routes to complex N-heterocycles from N2 that both circumvent the need for transition metal reagents and completely bypass the traditional intermediate ammonia.


Diboradiazene compounds, derived in one step from the boron-mediated reduction of dinitrogen (N2), were treated separately with sulfur and acetic anhydride, providing heterocyclic compounds that are BN isosteres of thiophene and 1,3-oxazole, respectively. These simple reactions represent the final steps in two-step routes to complex heterocycles from N2 that both circumvent the need for transition metal reagents and completely bypass the traditional intermediate ammonia.

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