Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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An H2O2 Self‐Charging Zinc Battery with Ultrafast Power Generation and Storage

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Self-charging power systems are considered as promising alternatives for off-grid energy devices to provide sustained electricity supply. However, the conventional self-charging systems are severely restricted by the energy availability and time-consuming charging process as well as insufficient capacity. Herein, we developed an ultrafast H2O2 self-charging aqueous Zn/NaFeFe(CN)6 battery, which simultaneously integrates the H2O2 power generation and energy storage into a battery configuration. In such battery, the chemical energy conversion of H2O2 can generate electrical energy to self-charge the battery to 1.7 V through the redox reaction between H2O2 and NaFeFe(CN)6 cathode. The thermodynamically and kinetically favorable redox reaction contributes to the ultrafast H2O2 self-charging rate and the extremely short self-charging time within 60 seconds. Moreover, the rapid H2O2 power generation can promptly compensate the energy consumption of battery to provide continuous electricity supply. Impressively, this self-charging battery shows excellent scalability of device architecture and can be designed to a H2O2 single-flow battery of 7.06 Ah to extend the long-term energy supply. This work not only provides a route to design self-charging batteries with fast charging rate and high capacity, but also pushes forward the development of self-charging power systems for advanced large-scale energy storage applications.

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