Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Hydroxytrifluoroethylation and Trifluoroacetylation Reactions via SET Processes

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

In this review we present the recent methods available in the literature for the direct introduction of hydroxytrifluoroethyl and trifluoroacetyl groups in organic molecules governed by single-electron transfer processes.


Hydroxytrifluoroethyl and trifluoroacetyl groups are of utmost importance in biologically active compounds, but methods to tether these motifs to organic architectures have been limited. Typically, the preparation of these compounds relied on the use of strong bases or multistep routes. The renaissance of radical chemistry in photocatalytic, transition metal mediated, and hydrogen atom transfer (HAT) processes have allowed the installation of these medicinally relevant fluorinated motifs. This review provides an overview of the methods available for the direct synthesis of hydroxytrifluoroethyl- and trifluoroacetyl-derived compounds governed by single-electron transfer processes.

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