Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Metal Clusters Based Multifunctional Materials for Solar Cells

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

This review summarizes the multifaceted role of metal clusters in advancing solar cell technologies, including the use as electron transport materials, interfacial modiifers, molecular precursors to prepare the inorganic materials and photosensitizers in solar cells. The diverse and pivotal roles of metal clusters underscore their significance in driving innovation across different facets of solar cell technology.


As a multifunctional material, metal clusters have recently received some attention for their application in solar cells.This review delves into the multifaceted role of metal clusters in advancing solar cell technologies, covering diverse aspects from electron transport and interface modification to serving as molecular precursors for inorganic materials and acting as photosensitizers in metal-cluster sensitized solar cells (MCSSCs). The studies conducted by various researchers illustrate the crucial impact of metal clusters, such as gold nanoclusters (Au NCs), on enhancing solar cell efficiency through size-dependent effects, distinct interface behaviors, and tailored interface engineering. From optimizing charge transfer rates to improving light absorption and reducing carrier recombination, metal clusters prove instrumental in shaping the landscape of solar energy conversion.The promising performance of metal-cluster sensitized solar cells, coupled with their scalability and flexibility, positions them as a exciting avenue for future clean energy applications. The article concludes by emphasizing the need for continued interdisciplinary research and technological innovation to unlock the full potential of metal clusters in contributing to sustainable and high-performance solar cells.

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