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GDCh Co‐operation with China

Nachrichten aus der Chemie, Januar 2020, Seite 101, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

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GDCh Co-operation with China

In October 2019 GDCh President Matthias Urmann represented GDCh at two high-level conferences in Beijing/China: the 1st World Science and Technology Development Forum (WSTDF) on October 16 and the Green China 2019 – 1st International Green and Sustainable Chemistry Conference on October 17–18. The participation at WSTDF took place on invitation by the China Association for Science and Technology (CAST), the attendance at Green China 2019 following an invitation by the Chinese Chemical Society (CCS). GDCh Director Education, Career and Science, Hans-Georg Weinig, completed the GDCh delegation. At WSTDF Urmann participated in the panel discussion „S&T Revolution and Industrial Transformation“, Weinig gave a short presentation in the „Growth of Young Scientists and SMEs“ parallel session. At the welcome dinner the night before, there was an opportunity for personal exchange with CAST President Wan Gang, the former Chinese Minister for Science. On October 17 Urmann welcomed the approximately 900 participants of the Green China 2019 in his address. Co-Chair of the conference was GDCh member Klaus Kümmerer, who established the Green and Sustain


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