Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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An Air‐Stable Storage Compound for White Phosphorus: Reversible Addition to a Stannylene and Chemical Release of P4

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Controlled insertion into a single P-P bond of white phosphorus (P4) was achieved by employing a diaryl stabilized stannylene, Ar*2Sn (Ar* = 2,6-bis(benzhydryl)-4-iPr-phenyl). Conversions of the stannylene with P4 gave a non-pyrophoric, air-stable storage compound, which releases P4 quantitively upon irradiation with light (354 or 455 nm). Alternatively, the phosphorus cage is detached by reacting the storage compound with PhChChPh (Ch = Se, Te). Despite the recent advances in the directed conversion of P4 using main group element compounds, Ar*2Sn constitutes only the second structurally characterized example of a stannylene capable of performing controlled, reversible addition and release of white phosphorus.

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