Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Yttrium‐Catalyzed Intermolecular Hydroamination of Norbornene with Simple Amines

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The hydroamination of norbornene with simple amines remains a major challenge. Now the hydroamination of norbornene with such simple amines is reported, as well as the first rare-earth-metal-catalyzed hydroamination of norbornenes.


The intermolecular hydroamination of norbornene with simple amines was achieved using silyl-substituted ortho-terphenoxide yttrium complexes. Excellent conversion was obtained for both benzylic and aliphatic amines. For benzyl and linear aliphatic amines, the highest activity was observed for the sterically more encumbered methyldiphenylsilyl-substituted complex, whereas the trimethylsilyl-substituted complex was more active for sterically encumbered primary amines.

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