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WFC11 — 11th World Filtration Congress

Nachrichten aus der Chemie, September 2011, S. 909-910, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

April 16 — 20, 2012, Congress Graz, Austria, Hosted by the Austrian Chemical Society.

Welcome Message

As Chairman of the Austrian Committee and on behalf of the Austrian Chemical Society — Gesellschaft Österreicher Chemiker, GÖCH — I have pleasure in welcoming you to the 11th World Filtration Congress in Graz, Austria, April 16—20, 2012. The Austrian Chemical Society has a long tradition in organising major national and international events and we will work hard to organise a unique event for the world wide filtration and separation community.

The WFC11 in Austria will embrace the international F&S community five days from Monday to Friday. The first day is foreseen for 4 technical short courses presented by leading experts. Three and a half days are planned for the technical congress and Exhibition. More than 350 technical presentations are expected and a major international Exhibition featuring 100 exhibitors from the world wide filtration and separation industry as well as manufacturers of particle measurement instruments and equipment of related industries.

The afternoon of the last day is reserved for a post-congress plant tour to the And


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