“We try not to call them batteries”
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
Nachrichten aus der Chemie: Let's talk about batteries. Everyone knows that energy storage is a top priority today. But maybe at the time you were getting into science it was only a minor issue?
Linda Nazar: That is true.
Nachrichten: So why did you choose that field?
Nazar: I was inspired by a series of lectures given by Malcolm Green, the great inorganic chemist from Oxford, when I was a graduate student at the University of Toronto. He talked about many fascinating topics, some of which were very complicated, like intercalation chemistry. So I thought, this science is interesting. I went to talk to him. I asked him what this was good for, and he said: batteries. Straightaway what I thought was: boring …
Nachrichten: But you still decided to do post-doctoral research in this field?
Nazar: Yes. I went to Exxon Corporate Research. Allan Jacobson, who Malcolm Green had actually worked with on intercalation chemistry at Oxford, was at Exxon Corporate Research at the time. When I went to work in Allan's solid state physical inorganic chemistry group, we didn't do
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