Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Water‐Doped Brønsted Acidic Protic Ionic Liquids for Enhanced Tributyl Citrate Synthesis in a Two‐Phase Esterification System

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

A method for the synthesis of tributyl citrate plasticizer using inexpensive Brønsted acidic protic ionic liquids in a two-phase reaction system is presented. The esterification process is carried out with high yield (>99 %), selectivity (up to 98 %) and short reaction time of 2 h.


Tributyl citrate (TBC) plays a crucial role as a plasticizer, enhancing the flexibility of polymers such as polyvinyl chloride. Its biodegradability and non-toxic nature contribute to eco-friendly appeal, making it a preferred additive in diverse industries, including food packaging, medical devices, toys, and consumer goods. Herein, a method for the synthesis of TBC using inexpensive Brønsted acidic protic ionic liquids (ILs) in a two-phase reaction system is presented. The esterification process is carried out with high yield (>99 %), selectivity (up to 98 %) and short reaction time of 2 h. The catalyst in the form of IL shows excellent performance and stability, desirable for industrial applications.

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