Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Visible‐Light‐Induced Metal‐Free Three‐Component Amidoheteroarylation of Alkenes to Synthesize β‐(Hetero)arylethylamines

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Herein, visible-light-induced metal-free three-component amidoheteroarylation of alkenes with quinoxalin-2(1H)-ones and N-sulfonylaminopyridinium salts is developed. This protocol involves a radical relay process in which the N-centered radicals undergo chemoselective addition to alkenes to form an alkyl radical that selectively combines with heteroarenes, leading to the formation of C−C and C−N bonds in one step under mild reaction conditions. The involved high efficiency and selectivity, wide substrate scope, and excellent functional-group compatibility demonstrate the practicability of the developed protocol.

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