Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Tryptophan‐Doped Poly(vinyl alcohol) Films with Ultralong‐Lifetime Room‐Temperature Phosphorescence and Color‐Tunable Afterglow Under Ambient Conditions

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Poly(vinyl alcohol) films doped with eight different tryptophan derivatives have been shown to exhibit ultralong phosphorescence emission under ambient conditions. The afterglow color of the films can be adjusted through a triplet-to-singlet Förster-resonance energy transfer (TS-FRET) process.


The development of a persistent luminescence system with long-lived phosphorescence and color-tunable afterglow at room temperature represents a challenge, largely due to the intensive non-radiative deactivation pathway. In this study, an ultralong-lived room temperature phosphorescence (RTP) system has been achieved using a hydrogen-bonding strategy where poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) matrices were doped with tryptophan (Trp) derivatives. The PVA film doped with N-α-(9-Fluorenylmethoxycarbonyl)-L-tryptophan (Fmoc-L-Trp) exhibited a long-lived phosphorescence emission of up to 3859.70 ms, and a blue afterglow for a duration greater than 34 s, under ambient conditions. The introduction of two other fluorescent dyes (i. e., Rhodamine B and Basicred14) to the PVA film facilitates adjustment to the color of the afterglow from blue to orange, and pink, by a triplet-to-singlet Förster-resonance energy transfer (TS-FRET) process. These films have been successfully applied in silk-screen printing and in multicolor afterglow light-emitting diode (LED) arrays.

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