Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Three‐Dimensional Self‐Supported Ge Anode for Advanced Lithium‐Ion Batteries

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Three-dimensional (3D) self-supported Ge anode with enlarged surface area, enough spacing, and the shortened ions/electrons transporting path length would greatly facilitate the rapid kinetics and promote more Li ions reversibly stored in the Ge electrode during cycling, thus embrace improved energy&power density and cyclability. This review highlights various strategies of constructing the 3D self-supported Ge anode and provides future perspectives.


Three-dimensional (3D) self-supported Ge anode is one of the promising candidates to replace the traditional graphite anode material for high-performance binder-free lithium-ion batteries (LIBs). The enlarged surface area and the shortened ions/electrons transporting distance of the 3D electrode would greatly facilitate the rapid transfer of abundant lithium ions during cycling, thus achieve enhanced energy and power density during cycling. Cycle stability of the 3D self-supported Ge electrode would be improved due to the obtained enough space could effectively accommodate the large volume expansion of the Ge anode. In this review, we first describe the electrochemical properties and Li ions storage mechanism of Ge anode. Moreover, the recent advances in the 3D self-supported Ge anode architectures design are majorly illustrated and discussed. Challenges and prospects of the 3D self-supported Ge electrode are finally provided, which shed light on ways to design more reliable 3D Ge-based electrodes in energy storage systems.

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