Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Thermal‐driven Orderly Assembly of Ir‐atomic Chains on α‐MnO2 with Enhanced Performance for Acidic Oxygen Evolution

ChemPlusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

DFT calculations and control experiments demonstrated that CeO2 of IrCeMnO@Ir serves as an electron buffer to accelerate the kinetics of the rate-determined step for the significantly enhanced activity and suppress the over-oxidation of Ir species as well as their dissolution for impressively promoted stability under practical conditions, owing to the presence of 1D channels of the nanorod architecture and the unique electronic structure.


The development of acid-stable oxygen evolution reaction electrocatalysts is essential for high-performance acidic water electrolysis. Herein, we report the results of one-dimensional (1D) nanorods (NRs) IrCeMnO@Ir containing ~20 wt . % Iridium (Ir) as an efficient anode electrocatalyst, synthesized via a one-step cation exchange strategy. Owing to the presence of 1D channels of the nanorod architecture and the unique electronic structure, the IrCeMnO@Ir exhibited 69 folds more mass activity than that of commercial IrO2 as well as over 400 h stability with only a 20 mV increase in overpotential. DFT calculations and control experiments demonstrated that CeO2 serves as an electron buffer to accelerate the kinetics of the rate-determined step for the significantly enhanced activity and suppress the over-oxidation of Ir species as well as their dissolution for impressively promoted stability under practical conditions. Our work opens up a feasible strategy to boost OER activity and stability simultaneously.

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