Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


The Green Synthesis of 2‐Pyrrolin‐5‐ones from Bio‐renewable Glyoxal, Diketones and Amines

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

An efficient and environmentally benign method was developed for the synthesis of 2-pyrrolin-5-ones from dicarbonyl compounds, bio-renewable glyoxal, and amines. More than 25 new 2-pyrrolin-5-one compounds were synthesized in good to high yields under mild conditions.


Described herein is an effective and green reaction between diketones, amines and bio-renewable glyoxal, affording a wide range of 2-pyrrolin-5-ones and releasing water as the only byproduct. The reaction features step-economy, high efficiency, mild conditions, broad substrate scope, hazardous waste avoiding and easy scale-up. The further transformation between the products and aldehydes can be potentially applied for fluorescent dye synthesis.

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