Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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The EuCheMS Executive Board

Nachrichten aus der Chemie, November 2015, Seite 1139, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The EuCheMS Newsletter introduces the EuCheMS Executive Board members. This issue goes on with Wolfram Koch (Germany), Robert Parker (UK) and Igor Tkatchenko (France).

Wolfram Koch has been the executive director of the Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker since 2002. Before that he was for seven years professor of theoretical organic chemistry at TU Berlin, prior to which he was a senior scientist at IBM research facilities in Heidelberg (Germany) and San Jose (California).

During his active time in research Wolfram Koch worked on quantum chemical investigations on properties and reactivity of open shell transition metal compounds as well as on spectroscopic properties of small molecules. He has authored and co-authored ca. 190 papers in peer-reviewed journals and is the senior author of a textbook on density functional theory.

Besides being a member of the EuCheMS Executive Board for more than 15 years, Wolfram Koch is also a member of the IUPAC Finance Committee (until the end of this year), the Administrative Council of the German Copyright Collective (VG WORT) and Chairman of the Advisory Board of the German National Library of Science and Technology


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