Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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TBADT‐Mediated Photocatalytic Stereoselective Radical Alkylation of Chiral N‐Sulfinyl Imines: Towards Efficient Synthesis of Diverse Chiral Amines

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

This article presents a photocatalytic method for the stereoselective radical alkylation of chiral sulfinyl imines. It utilizes non-prefunctionalized radical precursors and TBADT as a direct HAT photocatalyst, yielding diverse chiral amines with excellent diastereoselectivity under mild conditions. This approach offers efficient access to a variety of relevant α-amino acids or alcohols and 1,2 diamines.


Herein we describe a sustainable and efficient photocatalytic method for the stereoselective radical alkylation of chiral sulfinyl imines. By employing readily available non-prefunctionalized radical precursors and the cost-effective TBADT as a direct HAT photocatalyst, we successfully obtain diverse chiral amines with high yields and excellent diastereoselectivity under mild conditions. This method provides an efficient approach for accessing a diverse array of medicinally relevant compounds, including both natural and synthetic α-amino acids, aryl ethyl amines, and other structural motifs commonly found in approved pharmaceuticals and natural product.

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