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Supramolecular Synthesis of Star Polymers

ChemPlusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Recently, progress has been made in the development of supramolecular star polymers. Coordination-driven, hydrogen-bond-directed, and host-guest complexation-directed self-assemblies have been introduced into the synthesis of star polymers. Thereafter, the molecular recognition of a coordination capsule is described for the construction of regular and miktoarm star polymers.


Supramolecular polymers, in which monomers are assembled via intermolecular interactions, have been extensively studied. The fusion of supramolecular polymers with conventional polymers has attracted the attention of many researchers. In this review article, the recent progress in the construction of supramolecular star polymers, including regular star polymers and miktoarm star polymers, is discussed. The initial sections briefly provide an overview of the conventional classification and synthesis methods for star polymers. Coordination-driven self-assembly was investigated for the supramolecular synthesis of star polymers. Star polymers with multiple polymer chains radiating from metal-organic polyhedra (MOPs) have also been described. Particular focus has been placed on the synthesis of star polymers featuring supramolecular cores formed through hydrogen-bonding-directed self-assembly. After describing the synthesis of star polymers based on host-guest complexes, the construction of miktoarm star polymers based on the molecular recognition of coordination capsules is detailed.

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