“Students still make me nervous”
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
2012 Nobel prize laureate Brian Kobilka about G protein-coupled receptors, communication and competition.
Nachrichten aus der Chemie: Professor Kobilka, everyone agrees that you very much like to keep a low profile. Then yesterday you had to deliver the opening lecture here at the Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting. Did you enjoy being in the limelight after all?
Brian Kobilka: Well, giving this presentation to the laureates made me nervous. And so many students. Students still make me nervous. I spent some time thinking what to say and how to say it without going over the time limit.
Nachrichten: Your lecture was on the prospects for drug development. What direction will your research take?
Kobilka: My lab is focusing on three areas. One is to go on looking at how receptors — and not only G protein-coupled receptors — engage signal proteins. There are other interesting proteins, too — kinases, for instance. Another area that I find very interesting is that these crystal structures are a kind of snap shot of how proteins work. So what we're doing is like trying to understand a complex activity from
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