Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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Stabilization of the Neutral [25]Hexaphyrin( Radical by Hetero‐Bimetal‐Coordination

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Stabilization of hexaphyrin( (named “rosarin”) in its 25π radical state is achieved using a hetero-bimetal-coordination strategy. The antiaromatic BF2 complex B-1 was first synthesized, and then rhodium ion was inserted into B-1 to produce the BF2/Rh(CO)2 mixed complex Rh-B-1 as a highly air-stable radical. The structures of B-1 and Rh-B-1 were determined by single-crystal X-ray diffractions, and the antiaromatic or radical character was identified by various spectroscopy evidence and theoretical calculations. Rh-B-1 exhibits excellent redox properties, enabling amphoteric aromatic-antiaromatic conversion to their 24/26π states. Compared to the 24/26π conjugation systems on the same skeleton, Rh-B-1 has the narrowest electrochemical and optical band gaps, with the longest absorption band at 1010 nm. The ring-current analysis reveals intense paratropic currents for B-1 and co-existing diatropic-paratropic currents for Rh-B-1. This hetero-bimetal-coordination system provides a novel platform for organic radical stabilization on porphyrinoids, showing the prospect of modulating ligand oxidation states through rational coordination design.

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