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Sniffing Out the Sustainable Future: The Renewability Revolution in Fragrance Chemistry

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The 100/100 world of perfumes: Perfumery is currently experiencing its most radical change since the introduction of synthetic vanillin 150 years ago: The transition to 100 % renewable and 100 % biodegradable ingredients. In the Review by P. Kraft and co-workers (DOI: 10.1002/chem.202400006), the reader can learn about the impact that this has on the different fragrance families, and snoop around, from sustainable santals derived from campholenic aldehyde, via a paradisaic pear from itaconic acid, a muguet odorant from oranges, and new routes to the odor principle of ambergris, to musks from crude sulfate turpentine.

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