Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Simple and Efficient Method for Mono‐ and Di‐Amination of Polypyridine N‐Oxides

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

A practical and convenient one–pot procedure for reductive ortho–amination of pyridyl N-oxides is described, using potassium phthalimide and tosyl chloride followed by hydrolysis. The scope and applicability of the reaction was demonstrated, providing various mono- and di-aminated products in moderate to excellent yields.


Herein we report a simple synthetic route towards both known and novel aminated polypyridyl ligands. The use of tosyl chloride in combination with potassium phthalimide followed by hydrolysis allows for chemo–selective ortho–amination of (poly)pyridyl mono- and di-N-oxides with good to excellent yield. The reactions are scalable and reproducible while using inexpensive, commercially available reagents.

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