Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker

Stefanie Dehnen, GDCh President 2024 & 2025

Season's Greetings

Dear colleagues and members of the chemical community, 

An eventful and successful year lies behind us, characterized by impressive scientific achievements, inspiring events and a strong community spirit. I have very much enjoyed the numerous moments we have shared together this past year. 

After such a year, it is important to pause and use the holidays as a chance to take time for a little rest and relaxation. We are already looking forward to the coming year, which promises to be filled with great challenges but also exciting opportunities.

One of the GDCh's central projects will be the planned amendment to our statutes (Abstimmung zur Satzungsänderung), which is intended to maintain our society as a relevant space in the everchanging future. This adjustment is not a sure-fire success – it requires your active participation and support. Only together can we successfully implement this project and strengthen our community in the long term. You will find detailed information on this in the January issue of the "Nachrichten aus der Chemie".

The premiere of the "Science Forum Chemistry", the successor to our previous "Wissenschaftsforum Chemie" (WiFo), is something we are especially excited about. We are curious to see how this new format will be perceived by you, our members, and look forward to a new experience for scientific discussion and exchange in a fresh and revitalized setting.

I would like to thank you for your commitment and dedication over the past year. Your contributions - whether large or small - make our society what it is: a lively, innovative and inspiring network.

I wish you and your loved ones a happy and enjoyable festive season and a good start to a happy and healthy new year. Let's tackle 2025 with renewed enthusiasm together. 


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