Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker

Karsten Danielmeier, GDCh President

Season's Greetings

As the year draws to a close, it's time to reflect on our journey as members of the German Chemical Society. We have experienced a year filled with significant events. One notable occasion was the WiFo in Leipzig, where we explored the theme of "Rethinking Chemistry" and delved deeply into the vital role of chemistry in addressing global challenges like climate change. Amidst our scientific achievements, let us not forget the hurdles faced by many around the world – the wars, conflicts, and political unrest that overshadow progress. However, your commitment to scientific excellence serves as a beacon of hope for a better future.

During this joyous season, let us embrace unity and compassion. Our collective efforts transcend borders, promoting boundless cooperation and contributing to a world where knowledge unites us all. May the upcoming year bring solace to those affected by misfortune and pave the way for a more peaceful and equitable world.

I would also like to seize this opportunity to express my gratitude to all those who supported the GDCh and me over the past two years – the colleagues in Frankfurt, the volunteers in their various roles, the JCF board, and the members of the GDCh Board. Additionally, I extend my warmest wishes to Stefanie Dehnen, my successor, to have the best of luck as president and the necessary fortune in all your future endeavors.

 To all our dear members and their families, I wish you a Christmas filled with joy and a New Year abundant in peace, health, and prosperity.

Your tireless efforts form the foundation of our scientific community's success, and for that, we are profoundly grateful.

(Foto: Bert Bostelmann/bildfolio)


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