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Science is on Track

Nachrichten aus der Chemie, März 2016, Seite 211, DOI, PDF. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

It is my great pleasure to present an update on progress towards the next Euchems Congress, ECC-6, in Seville this coming September 11th – 15th. The next in the series, ECC-6 will be Europe’s broadest chemistry conference officially supported by Europe’s national chemical societies. With the preparations and organization well under way, as chair of the scientific committee, I would like to take this opportunity to describe what ECC-6 will look like next September and how we have arrived at our current state of preparation.

Structure and management: My initial task was to build the scientific committee and the overall skeleton structure of the programme. To do this, I consulted with national chemical societies, Euchems divisions and working parties. I also obtained agreement to expand the number of themes within the programme to eight (previously six) to better represent the breadth of modern chemistry interests, and with one scientific committee member chosen to ensure expert representation for each. Other scientific committee members were appointed to represent the host, the European Young Chemists Network and the next host organisation (The Royal So


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