Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Ruthenium NNN‐Based Pincer Complexes with Metal Ligand Cooperation as Catalysts for N‐Methylation of Anilines and Nitroarenes with Methanol as a C1 Source

ChemCatChem, April 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Herein, we report a phosphine free novel ruthenium NNN based pincer complex that can act as a highly efficient catalyst for N-methylation of amines and direct N-methylation of nitroarenes using methanol as a C1 source under mild reaction conditions following the borrowing-hydrogen approach.


A novel phosphine-free ruthenium pincer complex based on an NNN pincer ligand has been prepared and fully characterized. The complex was subsequently employed as an efficient catalyst for the N-methylation of amines and the direct N-methylation of nitroarenes using methanol as a C1 source under mild reaction conditions following the borrowing-hydrogen approach. Both of the catalytic transformations were performed with only catalytic amounts of base under closed air conditions without using any other additives.

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