This review introduces the in-situ characterization techniques frequently used in the electrocatalytic NO3 − reduction to NH3 (ENO3RA), summarizes five pathways for converting *NO to NH3
Synergistic Effects of Silica‐Supported Iron−Cobalt Catalysts for CO2 Reduction to Prebiotic Organics
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
We report on the fixation of CO2 to prebiotic intermediates over mesoporous silica-supported Co−Fe catalysts. Supported catalysts convert CO2 to various gaseous and liquid products under simulated hydrothermal vent conditions. Among different catalysts, a supported Co−Fe alloy with the same composition as the natural mineral wairauite yields the highest concentrations of formate and acetate, which are key intermediates in the acetyl-coenzyme A pathway.
To test the ability of geochemical surfaces in serpentinizing hydrothermal systems to catalyze reactions from which metabolism arose, we investigated H2-dependent CO2 reduction toward metabolic intermediates over silica-supported Co−Fe catalysts. Supported catalysts converted CO2 to various products at 180 °C and 2.0 MPa. The liquid product phase included formate, acetate, and ethanol, while the gaseous product phase consisted of CH4, CO, methanol, and C2−C7 linear hydrocarbons. The 1/1 ratio CoFe alloy with the same composition as the natural mineral wairauite yielded the highest concentrations of formate (6.0 mM) and acetate (0.8 mM), which are key intermediates in the acetyl-coenzyme A (acetyl-CoA) pathway of CO2 fixation. While Co-rich catalysts were proficient at hydrogenation, yielding mostly CH4, Fe-rich catalysts favored the formation of CO and methanol. Mechanistic studies indicated intermediate hydrogenation and C−C coupling activities of alloyed CoFe, in contrast to physical mixtures of both metals. Co in the active site of Co−Fe catalysts performed a similar reaction as tetrapyrrole-coordinated Co in the corrinoid iron-sulfur (CoFeS) methyl transferase in the acetyl-CoA pathway. In a temperature range characteristic for deeper regions of serpentinizing systems, oxygenate product formation was favored at lower, more biocompatible temperatures.
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