Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker


Palladium Catalyzed Carbonyl Amination of Fluorinated Olefins for Synthesis of α‐CF3‐Acrylamides

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

We report an example of the carbonylation of fluorinated olefins to trifluoromethacrylamide catalyzed by palladium. By optimizing reaction conditions, we can obtain different amide compounds, including alkyl acrylamide. Aromatic acrylamide and heterocyclic acrylamide. This method has good substrate adaptability and functional group tolerance, and is expected to be used for the synthesis of key amides in fields such as medicine.


Acrylamides are a class of important organic compounds that play key roles in biomedical chemistry, materials science, life science, and other fields. Due to the strong electron-withdrawing effect of trifluoromethyl, the synthesis of trifluoromethylated acrylamides, especially those containing double bonds, has long been a challenge. Here, we report an example of the formation of trifluoromethyl acrylamides through palladium catalyzedcarbonylation of fluorinated olefins. By optimizing the reaction conditions, we can obtain different amide compounds, including alkyl acrylamides. aromatic acrylamides and heterocyclic acrylamides. This method has good substrate adaptability and functional group tolerance,so it is expected to be used in the synthesis of key amides in the fields of medicine and other fields.

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