N,N,P-Pincer nickel complexes effectively catalyze reaction of alcohols with benzylphosphine oxides to form alkenes in good yields. The protocol suits for a wide scope of substrates and generates only E-configurated alkenes. The method also shows ...
Organocatalyzed Hydroacylation of Enones by Photosensitization of Acyl Silanes
Chemistry – An Asian Journal, April 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.
Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt
A mild protocol for hydroacylation of enones through photosensitization of acyl silanes with thioxanthone under blue light (455 nm) irradiation is reported. A Brønsted acid is used as a co-catalyst in the reaction. The versatility of the method is demonstrated through inter- and intramolecular hydroacylation reaction. The hydroacylation product is applied for synthesizing an anti-HCV agent. Mechanistic insights are also provided through control experiments.
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