Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker
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One‐pot Synthesis of PdCuAg and CeO2 Nanowires Hybrid with Abundant Heterojunction Interface for Ethylene Glycol Electrooxidation

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

Introducing CeO2 into Pd-based nanocatalysts for electrocatalytic reactions is a good way to solve the intermediate toxicity problem and improve the catalytic performance. Here we reported a simple strategy to synthesize the PdCuAg and CeO2 nanowires hybrid via one-pot synthesis process under strong nanoconfined effect of specific surfactant as templates. Owing to the structural (ultrathin nanowires, abundant heterojunction/interfaces between metal and metal oxide) and compositional (Pd, Cu, Ag, CeO2) advantages, the hybrid showed significantly enhanced catalytic activity (6.06 A mgPd-1) and stability, accelerated reaction rate, and reduced activation energy toward electrocatalytic ethylene glycol oxidation reaction.

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