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New Chemistries for Degradable Pressure‐Sensitive Adhesive Networks

ChemPlusChem, März 2024, DOI. Login für Volltextzugriff.

Von Wiley-VCH zur Verfügung gestellt

The desired properties of soft adhesives, such as used in tapes and labels, depend on the molecular parameters of lightly crosslinked polymer networks. Here, a new concept to debond adhesives efficiently for easy recycling is presented. Bonds are cleaved along the strands in the network to provide sustainable chemical degradation.


With the increasing use of pressure-sensitive adhesives (PSAs) in various industries, there is a need for greater sustainability, particularly in developing polymer materials from renewable resources, as well as the reuse and recycling of materials to reduce environmental impact, reduce waste, or extend their life. Here, we outlined the required properties of PSAs which are governed by the molecular parameters (molecular weights, dispersities, molecular weight between entanglement, molecular weight between cross-links and gel content) of polymer materials which subsequently define the physical properties (storage and loss moduli, glass transition temperature) that are required for good performance in peel, tack and shear tests. The sustainable approach discussed here is the development of degradable polymer materials featuring selectively degradable linkages in the backbone. This provides a viable alternative for the design of PSAs that could overcome the ‘stickies’ problem and make the recycling of glass and cardboard more efficient.

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